EcoIda Foundation

In the heart of the Ida Mountains in Turkey lies a project situated within a protected and serene green area, bordering a national park.

Overseeing and managing forty-five square meters of unspoiled and pristine agricultural land, the prevailing goal of the foundation is to construct a sustainable, long-term residence for community members.

The foundation is currently in its early stages, progressing incrementally towards the creation of a place where individuals can experience freedom, nurture their creativity, enhance their well-being, and expand their knowledge collectively.

The driving force is to achieve this whilst upholding a profound commitment to environmental preservation and a profound respect for nature. The project aims to provide people with the opportunity to reconnect with their roots and re-establish a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Overall, the project aspires to diversify its activities into areas such as agriculture, food processing, and education. Permaculture serves as a guiding principle, ensuring the preservation and support of biodiversity.


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Cappadocia Creative Care